Our products

AOI Tech designs innovative light sources for Industrial and Research applications. All of our products are offered in plug-and-play versions which include a suitable power supply and an optical fiber optimized for the wavelength, power and brightness of the chosen light source.

SHIRO Series
Broadband source

The SHIRO Series is designed to offer the broadest light spectrum. Emission ranges from UV to NIR. It is particularly well suited for spectroscopy or lighting applications requiring a wide spectrum.

Product decsription

TEN Series
High brightness source

The TEN Series is designed for high brightness. The light emitter features a laser-based white light generation phosphor which yield the lowest possible "étendue". Thanks to this design, light can be coupled to a small diameter multimode optical fiber.

IRO Series
Monochromatic source

The IRO Series is designed to offer monochromatic light coupled to an optical fiber. Standard wavelength can be offered in the ultraviolet, visible or infrared range. Applications include lighting, microscopy, fluorescence and optogenetics.

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